Moms are always supposed to have the answer. But as I watched my then 5-year-old pacing back and forth, shaking his head, and gesturing his dissent, I felt helpless. He didn’t want to be jabbed with a needle and asked me, his protector, to save him. But the only answer I had was to restrain his arms and legs as he cried bloody murder. We were both defeated.
When it was time to get his next round of vaccines a year later, I was grateful to beta-test the Thimble patch. As the mental preparation for doctors’ appointments usually starts one hour before (at least for my kids), the pre-application phase was easy. Being the innocent young human he is, my son trusted the process. He carefully watched me, ensuring I applied the product correctly, and went into his appointment with bated breath. As the needle approached, I could see the tension creeping up in him, but before he could fully react, it was over. In seconds, my son was all smiles.

He described the shot as a “mouse pinch.” For an entire year, I had been holding my child’s trauma as my own, and I was finally able to exhale.
As a part of my career, being a children’s book author and illustrator, I have to put myself in little shoes and see the world from three feet high. Children are so incredibly unique, with individual personalities and reactions. For example, my youngest does not fear needles. But my oldest hears, sees, and feels things in a big way. Every child deserves to be seen and listened to, and I am thankful to have Thimble so my son feels better about vaccinations.
Now I get to stress about other things, such as the release of my debut book, Moon’s Ramadan, which is currently on pre-order on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, Target, and an indie seller near you. Thanks for the plug, Thimble team!